I just got word that the Kindle edition of The Daily Trading Coach is now available on the Amazon site. Thanks to a kind gift from my favorite Chicago trading firm, I've been playing with my new Kindle and find it easy to use and easy to read. While the electronic version of the book is more expensive than the print version, it does have some functionalities that the hardcover text lacks. For example, you can index and highlight the electronic text and even use Kindle's very basic browser to look up links from the book. An interesting Kindle function that I haven't yet played with creates an electronic voice (male or female) to read the book to you. Not quite as good as a true audiobook, but perhaps a useful feature for situations in which reading would be difficult.
Where I see Kindle's greatest potential is as a device that can pick up all sorts of periodical content, blog subscriptions, podcasts, music downloads, and the like on the fly, centralizing a traveler's reading and entertainment in a convenient manner. Indeed, you can create your own newspaper on Kindle populated by your favorite RSS feeds.
For those looking for an e-book in a non-proprietary form, the Wiley site will soon carry The Daily Trading Coach as a PDF. That will make the book easily accessible around the world as a quick download. I will put the word out when the PDF version becomes available. Once again, thanks for the interest!
Thank you for making your book available for the Kindle. I LOVE mine and your book is reads well on the media. I hope your book will help me improve my increasingly paniced trading. The twitter posts help round out the the entire package.
Regards and a sincere thank you!
Hi Brett,
Any news on when the PDF version will be available?
Hello, I would like to buy your new book but i need to pay by PayPal. Is there any possibility how to buy your book and pay by this method?
Thanks for any advice.
Hi Jeremy,
Unfortunately, I have not yet heard anything yet regarding the PDF version from Wiley. Will post to the TraderFeed blog when it becomes available. Thanks--
Hi Ja,
On the Amazon page, there are vendors listed who are selling new and used copies of the book; those would be the only ones I know that might take PayPal. I've never used PayPal for Amazon itself; sorry I can't offer more guidance--
A non-proprietary PDF version will soon be available!? Ha! Coincidentally I just finished spending a mind numbing day doing a page by page image scan of The Daily Trading Coach which after running the scans through an OCR program, a little editing of the resulting text files and a quick pass through a voice-to-speech program I will be able listen to it on my MP3 player as I toot around San Francisco in my taxi. (To my mind it’s not a read/listen to once book. Facing oneself requires frequent repetition of often unpleasant truths. In that way it reminds me of Healing The Shame That Binds You by Bradshaw.)
As I’m sure you can guess from the nature of my day job, trading mastery still eludes me. But “enjoy getting there” is one of my primary life rules so no big deal. I recently heard “The Shape of My Heart” sung by Sting that expresses this outlook very well. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX4jAplZb0Y) Although he’s referring to a card player the sentiment that “It’s not the money” also applies to those who see the beauty more than the dollar signs in intraday price movements. Bertrand Russell’s comment on mathematics, that is that “it has a cold beauty like that of sculpture” is also applicable although I would say it’s more like visual music.
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